Spring is the time when we are drawn outdoors to get our property ready for the summer season. There are a few electrical safety tips that can help prevent accidents and fires.

Down Power Lines

Downed power lines always represent potential danger. Do not go anywhere near a downed power line. Always assume they are active. Call 911 if you feel there is immediate danger.
For more information go to Dominion Virginia Power’s website and check out their Downed Power Line Safety Page.

Ladders and Scaffolding

When cleaning out gutters or performing any repairs that require ladders or scaffolding check to be sure you are staying well clear of any power lines or wiring systems. Even if your ladder is made of wood it can still conduct electricity. It’s a good idea to have someone helping support the ladder.

Outdoor Cords and Outlets

Unplug any cords or appliances that are not in use. It’s a good idea to test any GFCI outlets by pushing the “test” button – power should turn off.

Check Before you Dig

Many electrical lines, plumbing pipes and other equipment is buried underground so it’s important to check before you dig. Before digging anywhere be sure to call the National 811 number. For more information go to www.call811.com

A little prevention can help prevent injury or loss to your property.
